
It’s an all-natural way to achieve body detoxification, inch reduction, cleaner skin, and an overall body rejuvenation. You’ll also notice that the body wrap will break down your cellulite, reduce stretch marks, and tone and tighten loose skin. In just an hour your skin will feel softer and smoother than it ever has. The Jax Wraps Detox Body draws toxins out of your body. These toxins are often stored in and around your fat cells. Because of the way the wrap fits on your body, fat cells will be re-positioned.

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In preparing for your wrap

Eat a balanced but moderate meal. The wraps are tight and a large meal will make you uncomfortable. Not eating will make you dizzy as you will be exercising for an hour.

Bring an extra set of underwear you don’t mind getting clay on. Un-padded bra. Cotton is best.

Shape Shifters After Wrap Instructions:

Now that you are unwrapped what do you do to maintain this?

  1. Drink lots of fresh water. Add a little fresh lemon juice to it for additional detoxing.

  2. Do not shower or sweat profusely for 24-72 hours. The clay will continue to detoxify and tighten your skin. When you do shower use a loofah over your whole body to open the pores.

  3. After your shower: Moisturize your skin to help it stay balanced now that it is clean. I recommend all natural products.

  4. Eat sensibly. Avoid sweets, fats, white flours, alcohol and pasta. Fresh leafy greens, green tea, whole grains and organic meats are your friends. They will help you reach your goals and be healthy.

  5. If your intention is weight loss I recommend you return every 3 weeks until your goal is reached. European Body Wraps work well with a good diet and exercise plan.